Sunday, March 06, 2005

And let me just add...

Lots of bloggers are still talking about this article from the NY Times. And I am wondering why its such a big shock that parents blog about their kids.

Growing up, my mom had this little group of friends, all stay at home moms, who hung out together, had tea, played tennis, and generally socialized while us kids played. Well, I don't have anyone like that. Most of my friends are kid-less, the ones with kids work, and the one friend that doesn't work and has kids lives 45 minutes away so that's a once-a-month playdate. So here's me, hanging with my kid all day, every day, without anyone to bounce ideas off of, or to brag to, or complain to...its kinda lonely (ah yes, poor Jersey Girl).

Blogging, even for as short a time as I have been doing this, has connected me to people who are going through the same things and who share their stories and who read my stories...and its good. I don't think its self-indulgent at all - its reaching out for others who are like us, in one way or another. We tell funny stories and sad stories and general this-was-my-day-today stories. We may not live on the same block, but we connect nonetheless.

So screw that guy that wrote this. I am grateful for the blogs out there. Thanks, everyone.


Shannon akaMonty said...

Hello, Michele sent me! My first time here in the 'pink' :D
I had not read that article...
It just goes to show that some people have nothing better to do than make asinine observations about something they know nothing about.

Kimberly said...

I am enjoying being a blogging mommy too. What does that guy know??

Thanks for stopping by. I love your pink pup so much I've adopted my own! Have a great day:-)

Cara said...

Hi! I came to visit you via Michele's website because I'm in the mood to read blogs today. Anyway, I completely agree with what you said about that article. I have 2 children and they are at school all day. I don't have a 4-year degree in anything so I have no desire to work outside the home. (also, my husband makes enough money for us to live reasonably comfortable) So, here I sit all day long...thinking of my kids while they are at school. I may not blog a lot about my children because they are 9 and 12 but parents do need other parents to bounce things off of...especially for people like you and me who don't have friends with either children our age or no children at all. I moved to St. Louis almost 9 years ago and even though I have a lot of friendly acquaintances...I've still not made friends and had the kind of friendships that I still have with my best friends in TX. So, I started first I wasn't really showing the "real me" but as of last week I decided to change that and I've found a huge connection of people that feel the same way I do. So for whatever reason a person shouldn't be criticized by anyone. That news article is just full of crap and I hate it when psychologists try to "analyze" the crap out of everything that everyone does. Okay, I'm off my soap box now. LOL I love your's very honest and I'm adding it either to my blogroll if you are signed up with blogroll or I'm going to add your blog to my favorites. Keep up the great blogging!

Anonymous said...

there ya go.

Sleeping Mommy said...

I won't get started on this subject again but I will say, AMEN.