Sunday, January 23, 2005

My Weekend

Friday night, I went out with my gf Patsy. Since I had Princess, Patsy and I don't go out like we used to. We were regulars at our local dive, every Friday night, without fail. Well, I miss it. I am mommy all day and night, and even if I am feeling decidedly un-mommy, I am to tired to do anything about it. So I emailed my girls and said, lets do girls night out. Of course, Patsy was the only one up for it (what lame friends I have these days), but that was fine. We went out, drank many beers, talked all night, and before we knew it, it was 2:30 am and the bar was closing. The night just went so fast. It was so great though, to just hang out and talk and drink and laugh and drink and tell stories and drink some more. I need to do that more often.

Saturday, the snow started earlier than expected. But hub loves to drive in the snow so off we went to get baby gates and go to the mall for baby shoes. Of course the stores were all closing or already closed when we got there - you know how people freak out when it snows. But there were so many people on the road, it was ridiculous. I thought we'd be the only crazies out there. So we took another route home, avoiding the jam-packed highway...and drove up near WS's house. Even hub remembered that's where WS lived. Butterflies...Now I am trying to avoid the sound of the snowblowers and shovels outside and pretend I don't have to get out there and shovel. Hub is still asleep so I'll wait till he forces me to help shovel. Ergh. But at least that counts for exercise today, right?

And, speaking of exercise (of which I have done NONE since last Sunday) - I did fit into a pair of jeans that did not fit me scant weeks ago. Progress. I don't think the pounds are coming off like I had hoped, but its still progress. I have till October to meet my goal, so slow and steady is just fine.

And finally, my computer woes. I always think of myself as fairly computer-literate. I have always been the one everyone goes to when they need computer assistance. But lately I am feeling so left behind by technology. This whole blogging thing is totally new to me and I feel so lame at it. I was trying to upload that pic of Ophelia and it took me all day to figure out how to do it. And I am looking at all these other blogs and realizing mine could look so much better, so I find new skins I could download but have no idea how to do it without f'ing everything up. Ergh. Before that, I sign onto itunes and it says there is an update available, so I try to download it. Hmm, well, here's what happened - it deleted the old version and when it was downloading the new version it encountered some issue with Quicktime and would not download. So I was itunes-less for 2 days. What is a girl to do without her daily "Drop it Like its Hot" fix? Thank God, I just tried again to download it (ah, the almighty "turn off the computer overnight and hope it fixes itself" approach) and yippee, it worked. Snoop is back.