Last night was the second of my two Bon Jovi concerts this week. On Monday night, I was sitting in floor seats as close to Jon Bon Jovi as I have ever been (about 15 feet from him), while last night I was muuuuuch further (upper tier, 15th row).
Now, you know I love me some Bon Jovi, and I would never ever say that one of their concerts wasn't good. But I will say this: These were my least favorite of all the times I have seen them (and I have seen them well over 50 times). They played too many songs from the new CD for my taste. I will never understand why performers who have been around for years and years don't realize that when we come to see them in concert, we want to hear the songs we know all the words to and the ones that actually made us fans of them in the first place. A few new songs, yes. But 8 or 9? Too too much.
My other complaint is the way they revamped a few of the older songs. Take Blaze of Glory for example. It starts out mellow, but then it kicks in and starts rockin. Well, not the version they did. It stayed mellow, and that took away from the enjoyment of the song. And there were a few songs like that, songs that they tried to change up and it just didn't work (if you have heard their "This Left Feels Right" cd, you know that they should leave their songs alone and not try to rearrange them).
But with those complaints aside, I will still say that Bon Jovi is one of the best live bands I have ever seen. The way they connect with the audience is unparalled. Jon touches as many people in the crowd as he can reach, and they are always finding new ways to reach the people in the not-so-good seats (like little secondary stages out in the middle of the arena where Jon sings from). Even the new songs were performed well, and they did play some of my favorite live songs (Bad Medicine, Keep the Faith). Even though this was definitely not my favorite setlist by a long shot, I was still not disappointed. I brought my 16-year-old cousin J and her friend with me, and they were singing along and had a great time. They thought it was an amazing concert (maybe because they didn't have 50+ other shows to compare it to). So that alone made it worthwhile.
And most importantly, my dear God, JBJ is still so incredibly hot its not even funny. Being so close to him, I got a really good look. His skin is just perfect, flawless. His hair is still awesome. And the ass...well, what can I say. A-Mazing. My friend who came with me (and who was at my first Bon Jovi concert with me in 1986) and I were swooning. Yes, swooning, as in, oh my God, hold me up, he is so hot I may just pass out. Seriously.
Merry Christmas, Everyone! See ya in the new year!
I know what you mean about too many new songs. When I hear bands say "Here's one from our new album," that is usually my signial to hit the bathroom or grab a beer. But I do understand that the band probably gets tired of playing the same songs night after night and would like to throw new stuff in the mix.
Here's a complaint I have about the Bon Jovi concert. I had to buy tickets in October for their Phoenix concert that isn't until March 2nd! What the hell?
I went Monday night (my boyfriend dragged me), and I have to admit I had more fun seeing The Jovi than I did Fiona Apple in NYC last week. But I can't exactly share that sentiment with anyone but my boyfriend (and, well here). I know, I've gotta stop trying to be a snob and embrace the true Jersey girl I am ... from now on, you're my inspiration!
The Boy had no complaints - he's been to many, many shows - but he is a tad on the obsessed side. He knows all the lyrics, had no problem with the new material, and nearly vaporized when they did "Blood on Blood" (his favorite) Monday night. And he went again on Wednesday! Me, I was drinking in the '80s nostalgia and staring at Jon's ass.
Maybe it's just me, but it seemed like mostly youngsters at Monday night's show - girls who looked like they belonged at the American Idols Live tour. Now, you don't have to be a child of the '80s to find Jon hot, but those kiddies are too young to even have had big hair, really reminding me that I'm getting old! I'm glad your cousin and her friend had a good time, and that they weren't the only kids there. But I was expecting a lot more people my age (27) and up.
Love your blog ... Merry Holidays!
It's always fun to see someone who love like that! And to have close seats. I got to see U2 a few years back and got tix from a reporter friend of mine. I know what it means to swoon when you are close up to someone with that much charisma!
Just wanted to stop by and wish you a VERY WONDERFUL HOLIDAY! lottsa love,
Last Girl On Earth
MMMMMMM Jon. MMMMMM. He looks just as good there as he did here!!!!
I'm sorry that the concert was not as good as you thought it would be.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas!
I'd love to see him even once!!
Merry Christmas girlie girl!
I am totally with you on this...this is how I felt at the Springsteen show I saw a couple of months ago.
WE WANT our best-loved songs when we see a show!!!
Good review, too, TJG!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Merry Christmas JG. Hope your day is wonderful! Hugssssss
Merry Christmas Jersey!
Merry Christmas!
Still sounds like a fun time! Hope you are having a very merry Christmas!!!
What could be better than spending Christmas with Jon?
As you probably know I am a huge U2 fan. I have seen them 40 times since 1983. I saw them 7 time sin this recent tour (8 if you count me being at the Rock Hall of Fame ceremony at the Waldorh in March).
They are the only band I know of where the people who see them clamor for MORE of the new songs to be played than the older ones.
25 years later, they are making new songs people demand to hear at the concerts.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
p.s.~ I changed my blog address you can find me at http://imtryingtohide.blogspot.com/ Please update your blogroll if I am on it.
I feel your pain. My beloved Simple Minds came out with a new album that is, well, subpar IMHO. Sadly, the drummer said in an interview that they plan to play EVERY BLOODY SONG off it in their new tour. Greeeeeeeeat.
15 feet from him...you can't possibly complain about ANYTHING while 15 feet from him!!!! You lucky dog you!!! (Yes, this little jlybn is green with envy!) LOL
I don't care how many new or old songs he plays, just as long as he's singing and I'm there! Yum!
I've seen BJ alot too and while there are some shows that just aren't as good as others (set list etc.) - To me any Bon Jovi is good Bon Jovi! For all the reasons you listed above. I can't wait to see them Valentines Day here in Music City! :)
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